
How to control the amount of drinking water in dialysis patients

First, decide how much urine Factors

Normal urine depends on the day (much water, urine volume and more; less water, less urine) daily drink into the body of water and the amount of liquid by other means (such as sweat) discharged.

If the weather is hot, sweating, drinking less, certainly less urine, and vice versa, the more urine.

On the kidney itself, normal one day urine depends glomerular filtration rate and tubular reabsorption rate.

Under normal circumstances, every day and night by glomerular filtration of the blood of about 1,800 liters, most of the original urine among selectivity has been reabsorbed back into the blood in renal tubules.

Urine normal one day, adults 24 hours discharge of urine is 1000-1800 ml, more than 2500 ml of urine, less than 500 milliliters oliguria, no less than 100 milliliters of urine.

Often due to renal tubular reabsorption of water reduction (urine concentration disorders) caused;

Oliguria of less than 500 ml of urine; no less than 50 milliliters of urine, mainly in patients with glomerular filtration rate reduction related disease.

Normal is 1.5 ~ 2L, of course, drink more, or fever, have an absolute effect on the urine.

If a person in one day 24 hours, urine output over 2500ml, can be called polyuria.

Normal urine output is 1500 to 2000ml normal, do not concern.

Second, how much day to drink water

A day at least to consume 2500 ml of water, and the food we eat every day already contains a lot of water, like vegetables 90% water, 80% water fruits, meat and fish also containing 70% moisture.

Excluding these water to drink 1500 ml a day is enough.

Drink plenty of water to thirsty people can not be the standard.

Thirst is the body of water requires replenishment signal out of balance, when cellular dehydration has been to a certain extent, given the central nervous system.

Thirsty to drink water, earth cracks again equal to irrigation, is not conducive to good health.

Adults drink at least six times a day is best.

Fasting drink the most effective, the water will circulate directly from the digestive tract, and is absorbed by the body.

Drink plenty of water can eliminate sweat, urinate, in addition to lower the body temperature, but also ruled out toxic substances in the blood.

Typically, every night we evaporation through the skin to breathe and lost 300-400 milliliters of water.

Therefore, wake up, the first drink a large glass of water, not only can complement the loss of water due to metabolism of the body, washing the stomach has been emptied, can effectively dilute the blood, reduce blood viscosity, prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Third, how many considered normal urine output

According to experts, a different urine output indicates that different diseases, what was normal urine output?

Let's for a specific look.

①, frequent urination

Within a certain period of time generally refers to the phenomenon of excessive urination.

There is a world phenomenon common in renal insufficiency, renal vascular sclerosis, prostate hyperplasia;

If men have urinary symptoms and associated with each decreased urine output, which is common in urinary tract inflammation, such as acute cystitis, urethritis, bladder tumors and stones, urinary tract tuberculosis.

②, urgency

Clinical think, urgency of urination wait refers feel, and most had symptoms of prostatitis.

③, dysuria

After urination or voiding urethral pain, and more from urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis cause.

Dysuria urethritis caused or aggravated occurred at the beginning of urination;

Prostatitis, cystitis occurred at the end of urination, pain mostly burning or knife-like.

④, slow urination

Voiding of urine can not be quickly discharged, more time-consuming, laborious, and sometimes see small urinary stream, and even interrupted urine flow or dribbling. This indicates that there is more than an enlarged prostate or urethral stricture.

⑤, urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence medicine will be divided into two categories of true and false.

Incontinence refers to the tension imbalance detrusor and sphincter between certain causes, loss of sphincter control urine flow out involuntarily;

Pseudo-incontinence, mostly women after childbirth or menopause vaginal fascia between the bladder relaxation, in peacetime can still control urination, once when sudden increase in abdominal pressure, such as coughing, running, etc. can not be under control.

⑥, increased urine output

How much affected by temperature, diet, environment, human activities and there are differences of daily urine output.

Adult 24 hours in total about 1500 ml.

If too much urine, day in 2500 ml or more, even up to 7000 to 8000 ml or more, it is likely to be diabetes, diabetes insipidus, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, chronic nephritis or renal insufficiency caused by polyuria.

Male friends must remember.

⑦, decreased urine output

Men daily urine output at least 1000 ml, and not less than 500 ml.

If less than 24 hours total urine volume 400 ml, medicine will be called oliguria.

This kidney disease symptoms are usually caused by renal dysfunction performance.

⑧, summary

Every day is not only a human urination rid the body of excess water, but some of the body does not absorb the toxins removed.

How much urination and whether their health also have a great relationship.

Therefore, the experts called upon to express themselves a lot of attention when urinating, if anomalies, timely access to regular hospital checks, to avoid protracted illness.

Fourth, how reasonable drinking dialysis

①, hemodialysis patients how to drink water

Water on uremic patients can be said of another poison.

Especially in dialysis patients, and little or no urine state, if more water, easily induced acute heart failure, heart disease induced by uremia.

Every time some patients with poor control of body weight should dehydration forty-five kg, dialysis excessive dehydration, and dehydration too fast, it will increase the heart load.

With the onset of chronic kidney disease younger trend deepened, kidney patients undergoing hemodialysis is growing at 10 percent per year rate of increase, therefore, outside the hospital hemodialysis patient self-governance on the health condition exception handling key.

However, there are about Qi Cheng hemodialysis patients stop myself.

Hemodialysis patients, especially no urine water intake should be strictly controlled, because the old fire soup, some fruits and vegetables and even water, are likely to exacerbate the condition.

Kidney patients should grasp the self health management know-how, beware of hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia this "high" disease.

So, how to control water hemodialysis patients?

Patients usually three times a week to do maintenance dialysis therapy, rest time at home and being mortals.

But it also brings a big problem: 70% of patients difficult to achieve self-health management.

The problem is most likely in patients with anuria.

Urine is a detoxification method, and completely anuria patients in the intermittent, sweating, soup, fruit plus the water did not break out, it is easy to cause heart failure, pulmonary edema, a life-threatening.

Common clinical patients thus leading to repeated illness and even sudden danger.

Clinical Case: If bits disease control in patients with uremia just good, middle of the night suddenly appeared unstable heartbeat, was sent back to hospital.

Potassium concentration in normal people should be 5.5 or less, and his potassium level was already surging to 8.2, after dialysis was the ultimate removal of potassium through.

Upon inquiry, the doctor discovered that he ate some fruit at dinner, drank the old fire soup.

Hemodialysis patients, especially no urine should be strictly controlled amount of drinking water, it is best to develop every measure "dry weight" habits.

Due mostly to middle-aged dialysis, muscle fat content in this population is relatively stable, while the moisture content will vary daily intake have a more significant change, generally require no urine of patients daily weight gain may not be more than one kilogram.

Weight gain during dialysis below 5% are normal.

Over limit weight gain, mostly water, to go through dialysis to hemodialysis out.

Anuria ideal amount of dehydration should first two kilograms or less, while in urine may be appropriate to relax the control of water, but generally not recommended to eat watermelon high water content foods.

Dialysis patients should also grasp the knack of drinking water, such as hot days when thirsty Italy, after the spit can gargle, or with a cotton swab moistened lips or mouth.

Especially when you feel thirsty then sips of water, or even a day of potable water distribution, container installed.

500ml + dialysis three times a week with the same amount of water, urine, dialyzed 2 times per week with 300ml + urine equal volume of water, 100ml + 1 times weekly dialysis water and the same amount of urine.

Increase between dialysis twice before and after weight should not exceed 5% of the original weight; or daily weight gain is substantially no more than 1 ~ 1.5Kg.

②, control of moisture technique

1. The day of potable water evenly distributed, with a fixed part of the container installed or lemon juice mixed with water to form ice, thirsty in the mouth, so that the ice slowly melt.

2. When a little thirsty, with a cotton swab moistened lips or mouth, small mouth again when very thirsty to drink water.

3. Use a small cup of water containing scale.

4. adequate dialysis.

5. low sodium diet: eat pickles, bacon, canned food and so on.

6. thirst not to drink warm water, and should drink ice water or hot water.

7. mouth with mints thirsty.

8. Avoid spicy food.


