
Uremia is not to have life-sustaining dialysis

Dialysis is the human body can not metabolize substances through the organ to reach the body balanced role of the state, who once kidney damage, the body's endocrine disorders will be until renal insufficiency when it will adopt dialysis, dialysis for kidney patients is a very direct solution to get rid of the pain, can delay life. But under the so many advantages often will inevitably harm to the human body, kidney dialysis What are the disadvantages of it Here we understand the next?:

1, dialysis chronic kidney disease, will produce dependency. Dialysis treatment is only an auxiliary tool on the kidneys, but can ease pain as soon as possible and not be able to dig up the roots, and dialysis for a long time, the body will produce dependence, over time can cause side effects on the human body.

2, kidney dialysis delay treatment, missed treatment opportunities. If, after dialysis, kidney will gradually begin no longer used, time will completely lose function, that time is no way to treat and fix.

3, kidney dialysis can save lives, but can not cure. Dialysis timely rapid detoxification toxins from the body, complications can dialyzed many and serious, life-threatening passage of time will.

4, kidney dialysis causes gradual loss of kidney. If you rely solely on long-term patients to dialysis, kidney function will be only because of prolonged disuse atrophy, scrap, and no longer fertile after dialysis.

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Irregular dialysis uremic patients is taboo

Irregular dialysis uremic patients is taboo! Uremia is a chronic disease, there is currently no cure, patients can only rely on hemodialysis sustain life. Experts point out that, at present, the best treatment of uremic kidney transplant, but due to renal source of tension, matching difficulties and other reasons, many uremic patients can only take dialysis, exhaust the body of excess water and toxins.

Nephrology experts, uremia is known as end-stage kidney disease, which is a variety of end-stage renal disease is a common clinical syndrome. When kidney failure, the kidneys can not maintain normal work, metabolic waste and excess water can not be discharged, resulting in the accumulation of toxins, water retention, anemia. The uremic dialysis include hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, colon dialysis, hemodialysis is the use of hemodialysis machine leads to the patient's blood in vitro, through the machine to remove excess water and toxins, then carry blood back to the body of a method of treatment.

Many patients in the clinical symptoms improved because of financial problems after they terminated dialysis, leading to further deterioration of the disease. Experts believe that irregular dialysis can lead to toxins and water can not be discharged, the remnants of a further loss of kidney function and even lead to death.

It is understood that the new rural cooperative medical reimbursement for the cost of improved hemodialysis, to a certain extent, ease the financial burden of blood dialysis patients.

Nephrology experts pointed out that adhere to the law and the right way of life of dialysis, uremia not terrible. Regular weekly hemodialysis refers to the hospital for hemodialysis treatment 2-3 times, each time 4-5 hours. Uremic patients need to be familiar with the disease correctly, active treatment, be patient for dialysis, dialysis adhere to the law, to regain confidence in life.


Dialysis patients Nutrition

1) should pay attention to add high-quality low-protein (intake of 1.2 ~ 1.4g / (kg • d), such as egg white, fish, lean meat, milk, chicken, etc. (little or no urine the patient should reduce milk intake, can be used in place of other foods)

2) limit sodium intake is normal urine output, without limit sodium intake. When decreased urine output, usually a day not more than 3g. Patients with no urine should be controlled at 1-2g.

3) restrictions potassium intake of potassium intake should be according to the disease, usually daily intake of 2-2.5g, caution high potassium foods, such as mushrooms, seaweed, mustard and banana, orange and so on.

4) restrict phosphorus foods almost all the food phosphorus, should avoid eating foods high in phosphorus. Such as organ meats, dried fruit, chocolate and so on.

5) control fluid intake between dialysis twice the growth of the patient's weight must not exceed 2.5kg or not more than 4% of the original weight. Water intake generally increases urine previous day and then 500ml appropriate. (Drinking water including liquid input, soups, porridge, milk, fruits, etc.).

6) The appropriate vitamin supplements.


Dialysis patients dietary guidance

Learn nutritional status in hemodialysis patients and the main influencing factors provide a basis for dietary care. Hemodialysis patients with varying degrees of malnutrition majority. We should pay attention to nutritional problems in hemodialysis patients, provide targeted dietary guidance based on the nutritional status and influencing factors.

Hemodialysis; diet; nutrition; Nursing

Constantly updated and significantly improve the technical level of modern blood purification equipment, survival time of patients with chronic renal failure greatly extended. However, long-term dialysis patients due to the accumulation of toxins in water and urine, stomach and intestines slow, not dull is to eat vomiting, resulting in poor nutrient intake, or due to the unreasonable diet, leading to water retention, blood potassium disease, congestive heart failure, and even death. Meanwhile, with the decline of renal function, and protein loss and other reasons cause deterioration of the nutritional status of the patient. Good nutritional status can prevent or reduce the complications and improve dialysis effect, thereby enhancing the patient's ability to adapt to everyday life and social activities. Thus, long-term hemodialysis patients diet care has become an important issue.

Diet care points

Adequate intake of protein

Hemodialysis may lose a certain amount of protein and amino acids, while promoting protein catabolism, causing negative nitrogen balance. Therefore, hemodialysis patients should eat more protein than conservative treatment of patients. Protein intake to 1.2 kg / d more appropriate. Note that high quality protein, 80% high biological value should be given high-quality protein, such as egg white, milk, lean meat, fish and other animal protein, such as high quality protein amino acid content, utilization of synthetic human proteins than vegetable protein essential, produce metabolic wastes (such as urea) less.

Adequate intake of calories

Sufficient heat can inhibit protein alienation and maintain ideal weight; if insufficient heat, food protein will be consumed as heat source. Since protein catabolism accelerated gluconeogenesis increases can produce more metabolic waste. For hemodialysis patients, the recommended calorie intake and nutritional status should be based on the patient's blood lipid levels and labor intensity appropriate changes. Heat is mainly provided by carbohydrates and fat, carbohydrate intake is generally 5 g / (kg · d) ~ 6 g / (kg · d), fat intake is usually 1.3 g / (kg · d) ~ 1.7 g / (kg · d), should be more intake of unsaturated fatty acids, such as vegetable oil, can reduce cholesterol, free fatty acids and triglycerides, so as not to aggravate atherosclerosis.

Dialysis patients dietary guidance

Maintain water balance, limiting salt intake

Most hemodialysis patients little or no urine, strict control of water intake, diet foods try to eat more water. To maintain the water balance is to prevent complications and improve survival important part. Between dialysis water caused by excessive water retention, severe cases can cause circulatory overload and death. Ultrafiltration dialysis too much can cause low blood pressure, angina, arrhythmias and muscle spasms. In principle, the amount of water daily into the urine + dialysis UF = water / number of days between dialysis +500 mL. Determine the moisture limit of the best indicators of changes in body weight, weight gain between two dialysis should be controlled within 1.5 kg is appropriate. Patients should be every day under the same conditions, within a fixed time record weight and blood pressure. Drink hot and cold water to quench their thirst than drink water and add a few drops of lemon juice or mouth with ice cubes are a good way to control the amount of drinking water. Patients can observe liquid restrictions depends largely on sodium intake. Common clinical some new patients often feel thirst, the main reason is because there is no limit salt. Because sodium can retention of water, salt Iddo produce thirst, increased water intake. As appropriate to limit sodium in food, to avoid thirst, often can automatically reduce the amount of water to prevent water retention, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and dialysis complications. So for hemodialysis patients, salt restriction limit is more important than water. The amount of salt is generally 3 g / d ~ 5 g / d.

Limit potassium, phosphorus intake

Hyperkalemia can cause arrhythmia, heart attack, avoid the use of potassium vegetables, such as spinach, mustard greens, bitter melon, dried mushrooms, leeks, cabbage, bamboo shoots, seaweed, lilies, mushrooms, bean sprouts and so on; avoid eating high potassium fruits, such as bananas, guava, cantaloupe, melons, grapes, oranges, carambola. Pay particular attention to the broth, soup, lettuce and other high potassium content, it should Eat. Wash eating vegetables should be cut, and then the dish burns, pour the soup and cook, and eat only fruits 1 d 2 times, preferably before eating soaking 1 h ~ 2 h and then eat. Others such as Chinese soup very high potassium content should be careful service. Lower potassium content in food can by soaking, boiling, ultra-low temperature refrigeration and other methods to remove potassium foods. Timely monitoring of serum potassium concentration, and adjusted at any time according to the amount of urine potassium intake to avoid too high or too low potassium.

Renal osteodystrophy, also known as renal osteodystrophy, a bone disease due to the calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism, secondary hyperparathyroidism, acid-base balance disorders caused by other factors. Hyperphosphatemia is caused by renal osteodystrophy and secondary hyperparathyroidism hyperthyroidism important factor, but also the maintenance hemodialysis patients with serious complications, so limiting intake of phosphorus in the diet is extremely important. Low phosphorus diet is dialysis patients avoid hyperphosphatemia first step. Phosphorus is mainly present in dairy products, egg yolks, organ meats (heart, liver), shrimp, peanuts, nuts, soy and other foods, pay attention to proper control; the soup contains dissolved phosphorus, should drink less better.


Hemodialysis patients what things to eat, and what not to eat?

Hemodialysis patients with non-dialysis patients with different diets. Hemodialysis patients eat those things, which things can not eat?

Hemodialysis patients with dialysis dialysate some protein will be lost, it should increase the quality of protein intake. Such as egg, milk, lean meat, fish, beef and so on. In order to ensure the effective functioning of the protein, every day should be adequate intake of calories.

To increase calcium intake. Hemodialysis patients should also add calcium, 1000 mg -1500 mg daily requirement, and therefore appropriate to add calcium and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin calciferol.

Group 8 to add vitamins and folic acid.

To strictly control the salt intake. 5 grams of salt per day control (about one small teaspoon) and, if severe hypertension or edema, less urine, then salt intake also decreases.

To strictly control the intake of potassium. Easy hemodialysis patient's blood pressure elevated, hypertension can lead to serious arrhythmias and even cardiac arrest, so do not eat foods high in potassium, such as citrus, apples, grapes, bananas, mustard, peanuts, walnuts, mushrooms, etc., preserved Do not eat products. To reduce the potassium content of the diet, green leafy vegetables can be boiled into the boiling water, the water drained, and then burned. Root vegetables should be peeled, cut into thin slices, cooked in boiling water boiled before eating. Fruit also used the same method.

To strictly control the intake of phosphorus. Lowest phosphorus foods: rice, noodles, bread, milk, fish and the like. Highest phosphorus foods are: kelp, dried fish, skim milk powder, for phosphorus try not to eat foods that are high.

To strictly control the intake of water, beverages, too, to control the intake. Weight gain between two dialysis should not exceed 5% (weight gain should be controlled within 3 kilograms). Such as too much water may occur heart failure, hypertension, acute pulmonary edema and even death.


Peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis which method is better

Kidney disease experts believe, peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis are an effective way to treat uremia, treatment can make patients get proper long-term survival, both can also be used as treatment for renal transplantation transition to.

Clinically, peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis which method is better? This question is not complicated. The following points are required to make a choice in patients with primary consideration to the issue.

Treatment: strengths and weaknesses

For therapeutic effect, peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis different. The purpose of dialysis is to remove the body of toxic substances, in general, hemodialysis effect of small molecular weight toxins better than peritoneal dialysis, but peritoneal dialysis to clear toxic effect of high molecular weight is better than hemodialysis.

To uremia stage, many patients decreased urine output, if sufficient water is not clear, there will be a lot of water accumulated in the body, causing edema, heart enlargement and hypertension.

Hemodialysis is generally 2 to 3 times a week, on the day of dialysis, according to how much water can accumulate in the body, and the body of excess water removed, but in non-dialysis days, due to the small amount of urine, can not intake too more moisture. Peritoneal dialysis can clear water every day, more balanced, so the water intake by relatively few restrictions. But there is a minority of patients with peritoneal dialysis poor clear water effects.

When comparing the two: dominant PD

Compared with hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis has many advantages, such as peritoneal dialysis generally does not induce or aggravate arrhythmias, hypotension cause or aggravate cardiac ischemia, and hemodialysis due to the short time to have more blood into CPB and dehydration faster, more prone to low blood pressure and cardiac ischemia. Peritoneal dialysis patients with fewer antihypertensive drugs to control blood pressure for better results, it can be more secure, better maintain water, electrolyte and acid-base balance.

Opportunity hemodialysis patients with blood-borne infectious diseases greatly increased, especially hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and peritoneal dialysis is basically not cause blood-borne infectious diseases.

To uremia stage, although must dialysis, renal function is not equal to zero but the rest of the kidney function although rarely, but they are extremely important for quality of life and long-term prognosis, protect the residual renal function is important. One of the outstanding advantages of peritoneal dialysis is the impact on residual renal function in hemodialysis relatively small.

Acceptance of peritoneal dialysis patients with chronic renal failure anemia often are relatively mild, it is because, unlike hemodialysis, as peritoneal dialysis, each dialysis are more or less lost some blood, dialysis may also be more blood removed toxic substances inhibiting erythropoiesis.

Peritoneal dialysis can be done at home, away from the dialysis center for residence and live in nursing home patients, peritoneal dialysis is more convenient compared with hemodialysis. Compared with hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis medical costs are relatively low.

Experts believe that although peritoneal dialysis have more advantages, but it also has drawbacks. The following main points:

The first is abdominal infections, also known as peritonitis. Although the vast majority of peritonitis can be cured in the short term, but fever, pain patients will cause pain, more protein and other nutrients are lost from the abdominal cavity peritonitis occurs. With the improvement of dialysis devices and sterilization methods, peritoneal infection rate has dropped significantly, with an average of 3 years occurs once.

Secondly, many patients that peritoneal dialysis is relatively less convenient, who always have tubes, bathing and activities is not easy, but to do several times a day. Some patients also believe there is nothing inconvenient peritoneal dialysis can be performed at home, and can be adjusted according to their needs. Many dialysis patients well, a few years do not need to be hospitalized.

The third obvious drawback is carried out with the dialysis, the remaining kidney function less and less body fat than those toxins may be insufficient to clear.

Normal peritoneal dialysis, dependent on a relatively normal abdominal wall, peritoneum and abdominal cavity, therefore, abdominal organs trauma, major abdominal surgery early, fecal fistula or colostomy, peritoneal drain, diaphragmatic leak, intra-abdominal cancer, inflammatory merger or ischemic bowel disease who diverticulitis in patients with recurrent abdominal wall or skin infection focus, abdominal exist mechanical defects (such as surgical repair of abdominal hernia can not, gastroschisis, etc.), previous surgery so that the loss of peritoneal function or extensive peritoneal adhesions, are not preferred dialysis.

Furthermore, since the intra-abdominal pressure increases peritoneal dialysis, so there is a serious and lumbosacral disc disease who have severe lung disease with pulmonary insufficiency who should choose carefully.

Choose dialysis: based prescription

Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are effective methods of treatment for end-stage renal failure, for the vast majority of end-stage patients, can choose hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis can also choose, but for some patients, which in some way may choose more as appropriate, before making a decision, Professor Wang believes that patients should be carefully asked the doctor to make the best choice.

Must be clear, peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis are not contradictory, the first use of peritoneal dialysis who, after years of dialysis, peritoneal dialysis is not satisfactory or if you do not want to do peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis can be changed, first use of Hemodialysis, After dialysis a few years, if you want to dialysis, it is relatively easy.

For ready to be kidney transplant patients, during the transition phase, two ways are possible, according to our experience, the transition phase as a treatment for peritoneal dialysis may be more appropriate.



Kidney dialysis treatment can get rid of it?

The development of kidney disease to uremia, on the need for dialysis, and people are helpless to dialysis, because it is difficult to get rid of once stained, but not dialysis and unable to control the disease. There is no way to get rid of dialysis patients with kidney disease?

There are many reports, claiming that uremic patients can get rid of dialysis, which makes the majority of patients with nephrotic spirit startled. But they have doubts: The publicity is that true?

Want to know dialysis can not get rid of, we will have to see in the end is doing dialysis.

"Dialysis is used to lower serum creatinine." This is the most people on dialysis intuitive understanding. In fact, dialysis is to clean the blood of harmful substances in a way, and plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption, hemofiltration equivalents are "blood purification technology." Hemodialysis is focused on cleaning up small molecules in the blood, but it is just creatinine small molecules, so dialysis has become a common means of uremia.

Kidney dialysis treatment can get rid of it?

Why dialysis will have a "dependency"?

Dialysis certainly can not let you actually produce dependence, our so-called "dependency", simply because dialysis can only clean up hazardous substances in the blood, but it does not prevent its regeneration, so the need to continue dialysis.

We know that the primary role of the kidneys in the blood is filtered out of the body of harmful substances. Once the kidneys fail, these harmful substances can not be successfully excreted, they can only stay in the blood which, it becomes necessary to carry out blood purification.

That is, if you can not restore kidney function, the blood of harmful substances discharged smoothly, dialysis must continue.

Why should we get rid of dialysis?

? How would it have been going dialysis appear three drawbacks:

First, from the community, because the long-term dialysis, at least twice a week, three times a week or even a serious need four times, so that the patient's time in the hospital most of the waste, it is difficult to ensure the normal social life.

Second, costly, time of dialysis need about 400 yuan, even once a week, a month they have thousands, plus other treatment costs, for ordinary families is undoubtedly a heavy burden.

Third, the deterioration of the condition. Dialysis how make the disease worse? Because long-term dialysis, the kidneys are not normal use, will accelerate renal atrophy.

How to get rid of dialysis?

To get rid of dialysis, it is necessary to restore kidney function. So, get rid of critical dialysis, it is to restore kidney function.

How recovery of renal function? In simple terms, is to prevent kidney cells continue to necrosis.

Why kidney cells necrosis? This is the most critical problem. We believe that the reason for renal cell necrosis, immune complex deposition is caused. This deposition on renal cell damage include three aspects: the first is aggressive immune and inflammatory response; the second is caused by renal cell proliferation or necrosis; third is caused by renal cell ischemia and hypoxia.

Therefore, the treatment of kidney disease should focus on cleaning up the immune complexes, should block the excesses of immune and inflammatory response, clearing hyperplasia or necrotic cells and improve cell ischemia and hypoxia conditions.

Be able to do the above points, you can get rid of dialysis.
