
Dialysis patients Nutrition

1) should pay attention to add high-quality low-protein (intake of 1.2 ~ 1.4g / (kg • d), such as egg white, fish, lean meat, milk, chicken, etc. (little or no urine the patient should reduce milk intake, can be used in place of other foods)

2) limit sodium intake is normal urine output, without limit sodium intake. When decreased urine output, usually a day not more than 3g. Patients with no urine should be controlled at 1-2g.

3) restrictions potassium intake of potassium intake should be according to the disease, usually daily intake of 2-2.5g, caution high potassium foods, such as mushrooms, seaweed, mustard and banana, orange and so on.

4) restrict phosphorus foods almost all the food phosphorus, should avoid eating foods high in phosphorus. Such as organ meats, dried fruit, chocolate and so on.

5) control fluid intake between dialysis twice the growth of the patient's weight must not exceed 2.5kg or not more than 4% of the original weight. Water intake generally increases urine previous day and then 500ml appropriate. (Drinking water including liquid input, soups, porridge, milk, fruits, etc.).

6) The appropriate vitamin supplements.


