What are the treatments for the increase of creatinine in the blood?
Treatments to reduce the proportion of creatinine in the blood include dialysis
treatments and Western medicine and Chinese herbal treatments and stem cell
therapy and kidney transplant. Now let's see these treatments.
Dialysis: dialysis can filter the blood of waste and toxins and excess fluid.
Waste containing creatinine. So Dialysis can be reduced ratio of creatinine in
the blood. But this is temporary. Can not fit dialysis kidney damage. Patients
continue to lose kidney function through dialysis. What kidneys still unable to
filter the blood of Alkenn. So if you cut off dialysis patients. Creatinine
ratio rises again.
Western medicine treatments: Some western medicines to decrease the
proportion of creatinine when kidney disease is not very dangerous. But Western
medicine lead to side effects.
Chinese herbal treatments: herbs can improve blood circulation. It could
prevent blood clotting in the blood. It could expand the blood veins. It can
remove inflammation. It could serve the unity of the damaged kidneys. It could
serve as the damaged glomerular. It could prevent cystic kidney. That it can
maintain the functions of the remaining kidney. It does not have side
Stem cell therapy: is the latest treatment for kidney disease. Stem cells
have two Alozivan. One function is split the new kidney cells. The other
function is repair the damaged kidney cells. It increases kidney function of
patients after the stem cell treatment. Can kidney that filters out the blood of
more than creatinine. Therefore, the treatment of stem cells can Atkhvd
creatinine ratio in the blood.
Kidney transplant: kidney transplant is a surgical operation for kidney
disease. Agriculture kidney can work instead of the Faculty of failure. But the
high cost of kidney transplantation. Large risks. Saab operations. Few donors
If you are experiencing an increase in blood creatinine. If You trust us. You
can send us your diagnosis report. Experts offers Suggestions treatment on the
basis of your illness.