1, to pay the corresponding economic value, and endure pain during dialysis. Maximum advice about the treatment of patients with kidney failure is the timeliness and effectiveness.
2, the same situation is not exactly reach the same stage renal failure, renal failure without dialysis can not say that much longer? Experts believe that most owners still depends on the extent of the disease, such as whether there is urine, severity of complications, whether kidney complete fibrosis, and many other reasons. If there is a certain amount of urine, a general description of the function of the kidney there is a certain, if take good care of the remaining kidney function, appropriate treatment and then restore some of nephron function, Chinese medicine treatment is possible to get rid of dialysis, sick long healthy life.
Renal dialysis can not live either choose dialysis patients will bring a lot of side effects?:
Experts say the dialysis membrane balance principle is based on the patient's blood through a membrane with many small holes (called semi-permeable membrane or pipe, medical), these holes can allow small molecules to pass through than it is, and a diameter greater than the film Molecular holes are prevented from leaving, while in contact with the semipermeable membrane and the dialysis fluid contains a certain chemical composition. Dialysis is a substitution effect, can not quite put all the toxins produced by the body are drained, then long-term dialysis, dialysis side effects are obvious, do long-term hemodialysis patients, then the kidneys will slowly atrophy, atrophy of the kidneys can not produce no blood urine, so moisture control more difficult for the human body.
On dialysis side effects, also known as an artificial kidney dialysis, it was also called kidney dialysis or dialysis. It is a blood purification technology. Hemodialysis patients to relieve symptoms and prolong survival have some significance. Dialysis short term, it can quickly reduce creatinine, blood urea nitrogen index, long-term dialysis treatment increased the difficulty and cost. Systemic organ damage is obvious, and some are irreducible harm.